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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)


Home / Students / Facilities


Facilities at International Students Hostel, Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri.

  1. Well-furnished with Air Conditioner and self-content hostel room (one bed room, one kitchen and WC) for each student.
  2. Well-equipped bed.
  3. TV with cable facility
  4. Internet connection (24 x 7 hr.) / Wi-Fi connection.
  5. All required utensils for cooking (cupboard for keeping food material).
  6. One refrigerator
  7. Gas stove with gas cylinder
  8. Newspapers and Magazines etc.
  9. Separate reading/study place
  10. Bicycle facility to travel in the field
  11. Vehicle facility to travel to FRO office/educational tour etc.
  12. Medical dispensary
  13. Well fenced compound to International Students Hostel for security purpose.
  14. Security person to International Students Hostel (24x7 hr.).
  15. Well maintained lawn/garden in front of the International Students Hostel
  16. Water and light facility (24 x 7 hr.)
  17. Hot water supply during winter season. Water cooler is provided for drinking water.
  18. Bank, grocery shops, post office, medical dispensary are very close to the International Students Hostel.
  19. Library facility in the department as well as at University Library.
  20. Very close supervision of Foreign Students Advisor on the International Students.
  21. Foreign Students Advisors regular vigilance.

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