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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)


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Regional Extension Centers

Regional Extension Centers established in the year 2002 to test and transfer the improved technology from time to time in adjoining areas of respective research and educational institutes. Three RECs are started at the constituent colleges, viz., Pune, Dhule and Kolhapur and one at Central Campus, MPKV, Rahuri. Regional Extension Center consists of four SMS in the subject of Agronomy, Animal Husbandary, Horticulture and Plant protection. The activities of each REC are governed by Extension Agronomist at regional level, which is technically controlled by Director of Extension Education.

  1. To organize short duration training classes for up-gradation of knowledge of existing staff.
  2. To arrange farmers trainings for solving the problems in farming.
  3. To interact with farmers and officers for getting feed back on research findings.
  4. To arrange monthly meetings of different allied departments and interact on various field problems.
  5. To integrate teaching, research and extension education activities.

The staff under the RECs usually undertakes activities relating to transfer of technology in the adjacent areas. The activities like, monthly district workshops, fortnightly trainings, demonstrations on farmers fields, farmers’ rallies and technical guidance to farmers are also organized by the Center.

Every Regional Extension Centers are provided a Mobile Crop Dispensary Van with the facilities to undertake soil and water analysis, diagnosis of diseases, insect, pest instantly on the spot in different villages. The fix route of this activity is announced and communicated well in advance to the farmers of respective villages and accordingly the farmers avail the guidance and necessary help to solve their problems.

Sr.No Designation & Address Contact E-mail
1 Extension Agronomist, Regional Extension Centre, College of Agriculture, Dhule 02562/230050, recdhule@gmail.com
2 Extension Agronomist, Regional Extension Centre, Near Sancheti Hospital, Shivajinagar, Pune 9766253316 earrecpune@yahoo.co.in
3 Extension Agronomist, Regional Extension Centre, Rajarshee Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj College of Agriculture, Kolhapur 0231/2605851 reckolhapur@gmail.com
4 Extension Agronomist, Regional Extension Centre, Agricultural Technology Information Centre, MPKV, Rahuri 02426/243861 aticmpkv@rediffmail.com

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