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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)


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Library Sections

Book Section

There are 74,004 books in the collection. Books are classified and catalogued according to Dewey decimal classification and AARC Rule-II. List of subject Headings is also used in classification as supporting tool.

Current Periodical Section

Library is receiving 75 research journals on agriculture. All periodicals are arranged alphabetically of which list is displayed for the use of readers.

Back volume Section

All back volumes of journals are arranged in alphabetical order in this section. At present the library is having 27,660 back volumes in its collection. The catalogues are published from time to time. On line version of catalogue is also made available through web.

Theses Section

At present the library is having 8,681 theses in its collection. Department wise subject arrangement is maintained in this section. Catalogue of theses available is published from time to time for information of the users.

Reference Section

Various types of reference documents such as Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Yearbooks, Dictionaries, Directories, Maps, Atlases etc. are made available through this section. These documents are accessible on library premises only. Special seating arrangement for SRF/ARS/ASRB/NET examinations is made in this section.

E-Granth Project

(Strengthening of Digital Library Information & Management under NARs e-Granth) 'Strengthening of Digital Library and Information Management under NARS (e-GRANTH)' is a subproject under component-1 of National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in India comprises of Agricultural Research Institutions and Agricultural Universities. It provides digital access to library resources of 12 different research institutes and agricultural universities which include OPAC, important institutional repositories, rare books and old journals and makes them publically accessible over internet under NARS with Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) partnership.


  1. To create Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) under. Indian Agricultural Research Group Catalogue of all 12 library resources with Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) partnership.
  2. To digitize important institutional repositories (limited to IARI, New Delhi; IVRI, Izatnagar, ANGRAU, Hyderabad and UAS, Bangalore) including rare books and old journals and make them open access under NARS.
  3. To strengthen capacity building for library and information management system (open to all libraries of NARS).
  4. Implementation of koha (Open Source Software) for all the centers.

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Ahmednagar, Maharashtra-413722. India
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