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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)


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A) Appointment (Section 20(1) of MAU Act 1983)

He is an officer belonging to the Indian Audit and Accounts Service or the Maharashtra Finance and Accounts Services appointed by the State Government on deputation.

B) Duties and Responsibilities ( Section 20 (2), (3) of MAU Act 1983, Chapter 26 of MAU Account code 1991 & Statut of MAU section 67)

He shall hold and manage the property and investments of the University and advise the University as regards its financial policy. a) He shall ensure that no expenditure, not authorized in the budget, in incurred by the University. b) He is responsible for ensuring that the expenditures are made as authorized in the budget. c) He shall disallow any expenditure, which may contravene any provision of this Act or any Statutes made thereunder or for which provision is required to be made by or under this Act or any such Statute. d) He can propose to the Executive Council that explanation be called for unauthorized expenditure or other financial irregularities in any particular case and recommend disciplinary action against the persons at fault. The Comptroller shall act as Pay and receiving officer. He shall receive all moneys due to or receivable on behalf of the University and bring them forthwith to Accounts and pay or otherwise settle all claims preferred against the University. The Comptroller shall complete the accounts of the University in accordance with the Rules prescribed in that behalf. The Comptroller may seek, with the approval of the Vice Chancellor through Maharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and Research, the advice of the Government in all matters connected with the Accounts and Finance of the Vidyapeeth or the application of the financial rules and orders concerned on which there may be any doubt. The various authorities of the Vidyapeeth shall exercise such financial powers as may be delegated to them to run various activities. The financial powers shall be delegated to the various authorities of the Vidyapeeth with the concurrence of the Comptroller. The Comptroller, being the financial advisor to the Krishi Vidyapeeth, shall invariably be consulted on all matters, relating to finance, budget and accounts. All sanction or orders, involving financial implications, having a bearing on budget grants of Vidyapeeth, shall be issued only after his concurrence. The Comptroller has to functions as an Internal Auditor of the Vidyapeeth.

C) General Activities of the office of Comptroller

  1. Disbursement of Pensionary benefits to the pensioners of University.
  2. Prepared Annual Budget of the University and Submit to Government through proper channel.
  3. Carry out internal Audit & Commercial Accounting (Preparation of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss of various activities enlisted in chapter 27 of Maharashtra Agricultural University’s Account Code 1991).
  4. Financial Budgeting & Planning and perform as Member Secretary of Finance committee which is Statutory Committee .
  5. Maintenance of Accounts of Various Grant in Aid & Draw receipts to University, Various expenditures, GPF/NPS(DCPS) & other allied financial activities as per provisions in Act & Account Code.

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