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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)


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University Resolutions

Sr.No. Title File
1 Continuation for All India Coordinated Research Project on Safflower_2017-20
2 Continuation for All India Coordinated Research Project on Sugarcane at RS&JRS, Kolhapur_2017-20
3 Continuation for All India Coordinated Research Project on Mushroom_2017-20
4 Implementation of Evaluation of Specialized Pheromone and Lure Application Technology (SPLAT) against Pink Bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) in Bt cotton Ecosystem._2017-18
5 Continuation for All India Coordinated Research Project on Maize_2017-20
6 Continuation for All India Coordinated Research Project on Sugarcane at CSRS, Padegaon_2017-20
7 Continuation for All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton_2017-20
8 Implementation of Organic Farming Research and Training Centre_2018 -23
9 Continuation for All India Coordinated Research Project on Pigeonpea_2017-20
10 Continuation for All India Coordinated Research Project on Chickpea_2017-20
11 Continuation for All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Small Millets at Kolhapur_2012-17 & 2017-20
12 Continuation for All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Farm Implements and Machinery_2017-20
13 Continuation for All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Wheat & Barley at Niphad_2012-17
14 Continuation for All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Wheat & Barley at Niphad_2017-20
15 Continuation of Operational Research Project (ORP)at Solapur under All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture for 2017-18 and disclosure w.e.f. 01/04/2018
16 Continuation for Network project on Buffalo Improvement (Pandharpuri)at ZARS, Kolhapur_2017-20
17 Implementation of Bamboo Handicraft and Art Unit_2018-19
18 Continuation for AICRP on Integrated Farming Systems_2017-20
19 Guidelines of profit sharing of Experiential Learning Module
20 Shifting / Transfer of project, ‘DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability) Testing of Sorghum’ from 2020-2021.
21 Formation of Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR) at University level.
22 Implementation of Ad-hoc Network Project on ‘Germplasm Characterization and Trait Discovery in Wheat using Genomics Approaches and its Integration for Improving Climate Resilience, Productivity and Nutritional Quality’_2020-21 to 2024-25
23 Corrigendum for MTG-3 (695)
24 Shifting / Transfer of project, ‘DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability) Testing of Chickpea’ from 2020-2021.
25 Shifting / Transfer of project, ‘DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability) Testing of Pearl Millet’ from 2020-2021…
26 वाहनचालक या पदाचे सरळसेवा व पदोन्नतीचे भरती प्रमाण ९०%:१०% ऐवजी ७५%:२५% करणेबाबत...
27 Implementation of Ad-hoc project on "Technologies and practices for promoting Urban Rural Nutrient and Carbon Cycle (URNCC) and addressing soil salinity issues"_2019-20 to 2020-21
28 Implementation of Network project on ‘Exploitation of genomic resources for improvement of Niger (Guizotia abyssinica L.F.Cass) through breeding and biotechnological tools’_2020-21 to 2023-24
29 मध्यवर्ती परिसर, महात्मा फुले कृषी विद्यापीठ, राहुरी येथे राज्यस्तरीय जीन बँक उभारणे व बळकटीकरण करणेबाबत.
30 Continuation for ICAR-IWMI collaborative Ad-hoc research project entitled “Enhancing Economic Water Productivity in Irrigation Canal Commands”_2020-2022
31 Implementation of Project entitled "Determination of Crop Coefficients for the Major Crops by Lysimetric Studies" sanctioned by PoCRA_2020-21 to 2022-23
32 संगणक चालक पदाची शैक्षणिक अहर्ता अद्यावत करणेबाबत.
33 Shifting / Transfer of project, ‘DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability) Testing of Sorghum’ from 2020-2021
34 Continuation for Precision Farming Development Centre (PFDC) at Dr. A. S. C. A. E. & T., MPKV, Rahuri_2019-20
35 Corrigendum Umvrell project on Research and Development in jaggery process and product Implementation for the period 2023-24
36 The implementation of different research projects under Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission (RGSTC), Govt. of Maharashtra at MPKV, Rahuri
37 Project entitled Characterization of Chickpea Germplasm Resource to Accelerate Genomics- assisted Crop Improvement
38 ICARs Agri.- Consortia Ad-hoc research project entitled Automated Canal Irrigation System for Efficient and Smart Irrigation Water Management
39 ICARs Agri.- Consortia Ad-hoc research project entitled Automated Canal Irrigation System for Efficient and Smart Irrigation Water Management Corrigendum
40 ICARs Agri Consortia Ad-hoc research project entitled IoT Enabled Sensor Based Smart Irrigation Management System
41 Implementation of Genetic Improvement of Soybean Cultivar Phule Agrani (KDS-344) For Yellow Mosaic Virus Resistance by Induced Mutation
42 DBT funded Safflower Network Project entitled Exploiting Genetic Diversity for Improvement of Safflower through Genomic-Assisted Discovery of QTLs/Genes Associated with Agronomic Traits
43 Implementation of Ad-hoc research project entitled Development of Relationship Between Sediment Loss and Carbon Loss From Watersheds
44 World Bank Project (financed through National Hydrology Project) entitled Gradual Development of Irrigation Management System for Continuous Assessment of Performance/Benchmarking of Pench Irrigation Project for the period 2022-2027
45 Evaluation of bio-efficacy and Phytotoxicity of FIN-021-01 against major lepidopteron and sucking pests on Pomegranate
46 Establishment and Development of Innovative Unit of Bio-pesticides and Bio-fertilizers sanctioned by DPDC Nashik at Krishi Vidnyan Sankul Kashti Malegaon
47 Establishment and Development of Innovative Unit of Bio-pesticides and Bio-fertilizers sanctioned by DPDC Nashik at Krishi Vidnyan Sankul Kashti Malegaon
48 Establishment of Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) approved Remote pilot Training Organization (RPTO) at Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri
49 Corrigendum Establishment of Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) approved Remote pilot Training Organization (RPTO) at Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri
50 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana project on Solar Power Central Pivot Irrigation System for the period 2022-23 to 2024-25
51 Corrigendum Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana project on Solar Power Central Pivot Irrigation System for the period 2022-23 to 2024-25
52 RKVY Funded Project on Establishment of strawberry research station at Mahabaleshwar Implementation for the period 2022-23 to 2026-27
53 Advancement of Research in Pesticide Residues to meet the International Requirements
54 Developing moisture stress (drought) and salinity tolerant sugarcane genotypes for Maharashtra
55 Setting up of MPKV Rahuri Community Radio Station (Phule Krishi Vahini) sanctioned by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India New Delhi at Central Campus PGI MPKV Rahuri
56 RKVY RAFTAAR Funded Project on Strengthening of Soil Microbiology Laboratory at Zonal Agricultural Research Station Solapur for Commercial Production of Phule Trichoderma Plus and Decomposing Culture
57 Ameliorating crop protection crop production and productivity by nanotechnology application
58 Metabolomics profiling for knowledge based breeding of crop plants
59 Development of high yielding and nutritive rabi sorghum varieties suitable for mechanic harvesting
60 Introgression of Bt (BGII) Genes in Cotton for Development of Bt Cotton Varieties
61 Project entitled Development of drought tolerant varieties genotypes in Chickpea
62 Awareness and Extension Services on Best Farm Practices for Cotton Farmers to Improve Quality Yield and Sustainability
63 The implementation of the Project on Establishment of the Centre of Excellence on Digital Technologies for Smart and Precision Agriculture at Department of Agricultural Engineering MPKV Rahuri
64 Strengthening of Research for Sustainable Yield and Value addition in Soybean
65 Implementation of Strengthening Research for Sustainable Production of Groundnut
66 Implementation of Strengthening of research on reclamation of salt affected soils
67 Strengthening of Oilseeds Research Station Jalgaon
68 Pilot Project on Crop Diversification
69 Implementation of Customized Micronutrient Formulation for Sustainable Crop Production
70 Project on Establishment of Plant Disease Diagnostic Centre at Regional Wheat Rust Research Station Mahabaleshwar
71 Study on Determining Storage Losses of Pulses Stored in Warehouses and to Recommend Norms for Loss Gain during Long Term Storage
72 Appointment as an Adjunct Faculty
73 Appointment as an Adjunct Faculty
74 यांत्रिक तथा वीजतंत्री हे पद स्थलांतरीत करणेबाबत
75 भरतीचे प्रमाण १००% बदलून ५०% सरळसेवेसाठी आणि ५०% पदोन्नतीसाठी करणेबाबत
76 मध्यवर्ती परिसर मफुकृवि राहुरी येथे Model Genome Club उभारणे व बळकटीकरण करणेबाबत
77 Revised charges for Testing products of Private/ Government Institutions
78 Revised charges for Testing products of Private/ Government Institutions
79 The implementation of the research project on Standardizing Drone Spraying Protocols at MPKV Rahuri
80 Corrigendum Advancement of Research in Pesticide Residues to Meet the International Requirements
81 Appointment as an Adjunct Faculty
82 Ad- hoc Research Project entitled Estimation of potassium requirement along with the secondary nutrients with POLY4 for Sugarcane and Cotton Crop under pressurized irrigation in Vertisols. Continuation for the period 2022-2023 to 2024-25
83 Implementation of Ad-hoc research project entitled Climate Smart Watershed Strategies by Carbon Sequestration in the Watershed
84 Ad-hoc research project entitled “Precision Farming Development Centre” at Department of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, Dr. Annasaheb Shinde College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, MPKV, Rahuri..
85 Addendum to the Project on "Establishment of the Centre of Excellence on Digital Technologies for Smart and Precision Agriculture" at Department of Agricultural Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri.
86 Corrigendum to the Project on "Establishment of the Centre of Excellence on Digital Technologies for Smart and Precision Agriculture" at Department of Agricultural Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri.
87 महात्मा फुले कृषि विद्यापीठ राहुरी अंतर्गत कृषि महाविद्यालय पुणे येथील देशी गाय संशोधन व प्रशिक्षण केंद्राच्या बळकटीकरण प्रस्तावास मान्यता देण्याबाबत
88 Corrigendum ICARs Agri Consortia Ad-hoc research project entitled IoT Enabled Sensor Based Smart Irrigation Management System
89 Addendum to the Project on Establishment of the Centre of Excellence on Digital Technologies for Smart and Precision Agriculture at Department of Agricultural Engineering MPKV Rahuri Implementation for the period 2023-24 to 2025-26
90 विभागीय विस्तार केंद्राचे कृषि महाविद्यालय धुळे येथुन कृषि महाविद्यालय नंदूरबार येथे स्थलांतर करणेबाबत

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