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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)


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Sr.No. Title File
1 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professor (contractual basis) at Agronomy Section, at RSCM CoA Kolhapur
2 Notification for the posts of Research Associate (contractual basis) at Centre of Excellence on Digital Technologies for Smart and Precision Agriculture , MPKV, Rahuri
3 Notification for the post of Medical Officer (contractual basis) at Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Pune
4 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professor in Agriculture Economics (contractual basis) at Agriculture College, Dhule
5 Notification for the posts of Senior Research fellow (contractual basis) at IFD-IWM MPKV, Rahuri
6 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professor of Soil Science, Assistant Librarian, Compounder (contractual basis) at PAH College of Agriculture, Halgaon
7 Notification for the posts of Tractor Driver (contractual basis) at ZARS, Shenda Park, Kolhapur.
8 Notification for the posts of Medical Officer(CHB)(contractual basis) at Kashti,Malegaon.
9 Notification for the posts of JRF, Field. Asstt , Data Entry Operator(contractual basis) at State Level Biotechnology Center, MPKV, Rahuri.
10 जाहिरात - पिकावरील कीड रोग सर्वेक्षण व सल्ला प्रकल्प (क्रॉपसॅप), किटकशास्त्र विभाग, म. फु. कृ. वि., राहुरी येथे संशोधन सहयोगी (वनस्पती रोगशास्त्र) या पदाकरिता कंत्राटी पद्धतीने भरावयाच्या पदासाठीची जाहिरात
11 Notification for the post of Project Associate and Skilled Helper (contractual basis) at State Level Gene Bank Project, MPKV, Rahuri.
12 Notification for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Data Entry Operator (contractual basis) at Dept. of Irrigation Water Management, MPKV, Rahuri.
13 list of eligible and not eligible candidate for post of Senior Research Fellow(SRF) in SLCL project, Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Dr. A. S. C.A.E &T, MPKV, Rahuri
14 Notification for the post of Young Professional II ,Field Assistant on purely (contractual basis) at Remote Pilot Training Organization MPKV, Rahuri
15 Application for the posts of Assistant Professors (ABM, IDE, Stat) and Physical Training Instructor (purely contractual) at Krushi Vidnyan Sankul, Kashti Tal- Malegaon
16 Notification for the post of Agromet observer on purely (contractual basis) at GKMS scheme at ZARS, Kolhapur
17 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor subject of IDE, FMPE and Renewable Energy Engg (Contractual basis) at Dr. ASCAET, MPKV, Rahuri,
18 Notification for the post of Senior Research Fellows (SRF) (Contractual basis) at Deptt. of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Dr.ASCAE , MPKV, Rahuri
19 List of Eligible and not eligible candidates post of Research Associates and Vehicle Driver Dept. of CoE-DTSPA, MPKV, Rahuri.
20 List of Eligible or Non-Eligible Candidates post of Young Professional-I under Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO)MPKV, Rahuri
21 Notification for the post of Assistant Professors subjects of Bussiness Mgt, Food chemistry and Nutrition, Horticulture, IDE, PTI and Statistics (Contractual basis) at Krishi Vidnyan Sankul, Kashti, Malegaon
22 Notification for the post of Young Professional-I (Temperary post) under Externally funded project, “CRP on Biofortification in Pearl Millet”, at Bajra Research Scheme, College of Agriculture, Dhule.
23 Corrigendum- Extension fo last of submission of application form for the post of Senior Research Fellows (SRF) under Smart Irrigation Project, MPKV, Rahuri
24 Notification for the post of Research Associate and Vehicle Driver (Contractual basis) at CoE-DTSPA, Dept. of Agricultural Engg. MPKV, Rahuri.
25 List of Eligible or Non-Eligible Candidates for the post of Technology Agent (Purely on contractual basis for 06 months) under Cluster Frontline Demonstration under Pulses 2024-25 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mohol , Dist. Solapur.
26 list of eligible and not eligible candidates for the post of field/lab attendant at Pulses Improvement Project MPKV, Rahuri
27 Notification for the post of Assistant Professors and Assistant Librarian on contractual basis at College of Agril. Engineering and Technology KVS, Kashti, Tal- Malegaon
28 Notification for the post of Technical agent purely on contractual basis at KVK, Mohol, Dist.-Solapur.
29 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor of PEE, SWCE and Civil Engineering purely on contractual basis at CAET, MPKV, Rahuri
30 List of eligible and not eligible candidate for post of Research Associate and Office Assistant in CSWS project, Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Dr. A. S. C.A.E and T, MPKV, Rahuri.
31 कनिष्‍ठ संशोधन सहाय्यक या पदाची पदोन्‍नती निवड यादी.
32 Notification for the post of Senior Research fellow (contractual basis) at Smart Irrigation Project, MPKV, Rahuri
33 Notification for the post of Junior Research fellow, Field Assistant, Field Skill Worker and Data Entry Operator (contractual basis) at ARS.K. Digraj, Sangli
34 Notification for the post of Research Associate (RA) and Office Assistant on the Climate Smart Watershed Strategies by Carbon Sequestration in the Watershed Project, Department of SWCE, Dr. A.S. College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, MPKV, Rahuri
35 पिकावरील कीड रोग सर्वेक्षण व सल्ला प्रकल्प (क्रॉपसॅप), किटकशास्त्र विभाग, म. फु. कृ. वि., राहुरी येथे संशोधन सहयोगी (कीटकशास्त्र) या पदाकरिता कंत्राटी पद्धतीने भरावयाच्या पदासाठीची जाहिरात
36 Notification for the post of Young Professional II(contractual basis) at Cotton Breeder, Cotton Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri
37 Notification for the post of SRF and Skilled helper (contractual basis) at Cotton Breeder, Cotton Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri
38 Notification for the post of Field Assistant/ Project Assistant purely on contractual basis in the RGSTC project under Department of Agricultural Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri
39 List of Eligible and not eligible candidates for the post of Agriculture Assistant at RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur
40 Notification for the post of Field or Lab Attendant purely on contractual basis at Pulses Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri
41 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professor of Statistics (contractual basis) at RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur
42 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professors (contractual basis) at PAH College of Agricultre, Halgaon
43 Notification for the post of Young Professional-l (YP-I) (contractual basis) at AICRP on Integrated Farming Systems, MPKV, Rahuri
44 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professors (contractual basis) at College of Agriculture , Muktainagar
45 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professors and Assistant Librarian (contractual basis) at College of Agri-Business Management , Kashti , Malegaon
46 The list of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Office Assistant (contractual basis) at Deptt. of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri
47 Notification for the post of Skilled helper (contractual basis) at RWRRS, Mahabaleshwar,
48 Notification for the post of Young Professional-Il (YP-lI) (contractual basis) at Pulses Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri
49 Notification for the post of Agril . Assistant (contractual basis) at RCSM College of Agriculture Kolhapur
50 Notification for the post of Office Assistant (contractual basis) at Deptt. of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri
51 The list of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Senior Technical Asstt,Technican,Tractor Mechic-cum-Driver and data Entry operator, AICRP on FIM Dept., Dr. A. S. College of Agril. Engg. and Tech., MPKV, Rahuri
52 Notification for the post of Young Professional-I (YP-I) at Agricultural Research Station, Jalgaon, Dist. Jalgaon.
53 The list of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Young Professional-II
54 Notification for the post of contractual Asstt. Professor (Soil Science) at College of Agriculture, Dhule.
55 Notification for the post of Young Professional-I (YP-I) and Young Professional-II (YP-II) contractual basis under the Product Testing project, JRS, Kolhapur.
56 Notification for the post of Young Professional-I and Young Professional II (YP-II) purely on contractual basis at Regional Sugarcane and jaggery Research Station, Kolhapur.
57 Notification for the post of Young Professional II (YP-II) purely on contractual basis under Dept of Irrigation and Drainage engg. Dr. A.S.C.A.E. and T., MPKV, Rahuri.
58 NOTIFICATION for the post of Young Professional - I (YP-I) purely on contractual basis under the Department of Agricultural Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri
59 राज्‍यातील चारही कृषि विद्यापीठातील अधिष्‍ठाता/संचालक संवर्गातील रिक्‍त पदे भरण्‍याबाबतची जाहिरात.
60 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor for mentioned subjects purely on contractual basis at PAH College of Agriculture, Halgaon
61 Notification for the post of Research Associate, Lab Assistant and Field Worker purely on contractual basis under the Plant Pathology and Agril. Microbiology, MPKV, Rahuri.
62 NOTIFICATION for the post of Young Professional - II (YP-II) purely on contractual basis under the Plant Pathology and Agril. Microbiology, MPKV, Rahuri.
63 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor of Agronomy ( Contractual basis) at Muktainagar ,Dist-Jalgaon
64 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor (Agril Extension Education) on Contractual basis At Govt. College of Agriculture Nandurbar
65 Eligible and Not Eligible candidates list for Grievance- ICAR-DoCa Project Recruitment at Dept of APE, Dr. ASCAE and Tech., MPKV, Rahuri.
66 Notification for the post of Senior Research Fellow(SRF) purely on contractual basis at Dept of APE, Dr. ASCAE and Tech., MPKV, Rahuri
67 list of eligible and non eligible candidates at Pulses Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri.
68 Notification for the posts of purely Contractual on temporary basis Senior Technical Assistant, Technician, Tractor Mechanic-cum-Driver and Data Entry Operator in the Project AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery, MPKV, Rahuri
69 Eligible and non- Eligible candidates List (CoE-DTSPA) MPKV, Rahuri
70 Eligible and non- Eligible candidates List for Grievance- CoE-DTSPA ,MPKV, Rahuri.
71 Eligible and non- Eligible candidates List for Grievance - ICAR-DOCA Project Recruitment, Dr. A. S. C. A. E and Tech., M.P.K.V., Rahuri.
72 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor and Assistant Librarian(Contractual basis) at College of Agriculture, Muktainagar, Dist-Jalgaon
73 Notification for post of Research Associate and Data Entry Operator (Contractual basis) at CoE-DTSPA ,MPKV, Rahuri
74 Notification for post of Contractual Teacher (Assistant Professor) of Botany on (Contractual basis) at RCSM., A.C., Kolhapur
75 Notification for posts of Assistant Librarian and Medical Officer (Contractual basis) at Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar College of Agriculture, Halgaon
76 Notification for posts of Assistant Professors for mentioned Subjects Purely on contractual basis at Krishi Vidnyan Sankul, Kashti, Tal- Malegaon, Dist- Nashik
77 Notification for the post of Juniour Research Fellow and Skilled Labour (Contractual basis) at College of Agriculture Nandurbar
78 Notification for the post of Assistant Librarian (Contractual basis) at College of Agriculture Nandurbar
79 Notification for the post of Lab Attendant (LA) purely on contractual basis at Department of Entomolgy, MPKV, Rahuri.
80 Notification for the post of Young Professional-I (YP-I) and Skilled helper purely on contractual basis at Department of Biochemistry, MPKV, Rahuri.
81 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor (Contractual basis) at Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Karad
82 Notification Deadline Extended for Submitting applications for the posts of Assistant Professors and Assistant Librarian on Temporary Contractual Positions at College of Agriculture, Dhule.
83 Notification for the post of Research Associate in various disciplines in the project CoEDTSPA...
84 Notification for the post of Young professional-I (Contractual basis) at Associate Director of Research, Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Solapur
85 Notification for the posts of Field/ Lab. Attendant (Contractual basis) at Pulses Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri
86 Notification for the posts of Physical Training(Contractual basis) at Krishi Vidnyan Sankul, Kashti, Tal- Malegaon, Dist-Nashik
87 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professors and Assistant Librarian (Contractual basis) at College of Agriculture, Dhule
88 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor, Agril. Botany (Contractual basis ) at College of Agriculture, Nandurbar
89 Notification for the post of Young professional-I and Young Professional- II (contractual basis) at Department of (PFDC) , of IDE, Dr.ASCAET, MPKV, Rahuri
90 Notification for the post of Young professional-I, SRF and skilled labour (contractual basis) at Department of Agricultural Process Engineering , Dr. ASCAE and T, MPKV, Rahuri
91 Notification for the post of Agromet observer (contractual basis) at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Shenda Park, Kolhapur
92 Notification for the post of Young Professional (YP-I) (contractual basis) at Chief Agronomist , AICRP on IFS MPKV, Rahuri
93 Notification for the post of Young Professional (YP-I), Young Professional (YP-II) and Technician (contractual basis) at Senior Sorghum Breeder, Sorghum Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri
94 Notification for the post of Field Worker (Contractual basis) in the DBT Funded Project on Wheat at State Level Biotechnology Centre. MPKV Rahuri
95 Notification for the post Assistant Professor subject of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry (Contractual basis) at College of Agriculture, Nandurbar.
96 Notification For the post of Project Assistant (contractual basis) at Agronomist, Regional Sugarcane and Jaggery Research Station, Kolhapur
97 Notification for the Contractual Teacher (Assistant Professor) of Agronomy at RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur
98 Notification For the Contractual Teacher (Assistant Professor) of Plant Pathology at RCSM., A.C., Kolhapur
99 Notification For the Contractual Teacher (Assistant Professor) of Soil Science at RCSM., A.C., Kolhapur
100 Notification For the post of Asst. Prof. of Renewable Energy (Contractual Basis) at ASCAET MPKV Rahuri
101 Notification for the post of Laboratory Attendant (LA) purely on contractual basis at department of Entomology, MPKV, Rahuri.
102 Corrigendum notification for filling up the posts of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in Pench Irrigation Project, IFD-IWM, PGI Institute, MPKV, Rahuri
103 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology(Contractual Basis) at College of Agriculture, Nandurbar, Dist- Nandurbar
104 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professor of Farm Machinery and power Engineering (FMPE) and Assistant Professor of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (IDE) (Contractual Basis) at College of Agril. Engg. and Tech. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri
105 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professor subject of Agril. Enng., Animal Husbandry and dairy Science, Agril. Entomology, Agril. Horticulture, Agril. Ecoanomics and Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry(Contractual Basis) at College of Agriculture, Muktainagar Dist-Jalgaon
106 Corrigendum for Model Genome Club at Dept of Agril. Botany.
107 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor of Physical Training Instructor (Contractual Basis) at Govt. College of Agriculture, Nandurbar
108 Notification ( Walk in Interview ) for the post of SRF and Skilled Helpers in Bamboo Plantation at MPKV, Rahuri under Bamboo Mission Project
109 Notification for the post of Radio Jockey, clerk_cum_typist and peon cum security guard purely on contractual basis at dept of Agril. Extension Education, PGI, MPKV, Rahuri
110 Notification for the post of Computer Operator at State Level Gene Bank, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Project
111 List of Eligible and not eligible candidates for JRF post under Chickpea DBT Network Mission Project
112 Notification for the posts of Young Professional-I and Young Professional-II purely on contractual basis in PFDC project Dept of IDE, Dr. ASCAET, MPKV, Rahuri.
113 Notification for the post of contractual post for Special Project on Cotton of ICAR-CICR (Young Professional-I, Young Professional-II) at KVK, Dhule
114 Notification for the post of Young Professional (Contractual Basis) at Cotton Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri
115 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor of Entomology (Contractual Basis) at College of Agriculture, Nandurbar
116 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor Agril and Compunder Purely contractual basis at PAH College of Agriculture, Halgaon
117 Notification for the post of Data Entry Operator Purely contractual basis under Student Welfare Office, MPKV, Rahuri.
118 Notification for the post of Project Associate and Skill Helper purely on contractual basis at State level Gene Bank Project, MPKV, Rahuri.
119 Notification for the post of Contractual Teacher (Assistant Professor) Agril. Entomology at RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur.
120 Notification for the posts of Assistant Professor subject of Agronomy, Horticulture, Food Chemistry, Agri-bussiness mgt, Computer, irrigation and Statistics at College of Agriculture, Kashti, Malegaon, Dist-Nashik.
121 Notification for the post of Young Professional-II purely on contractual basis at ZARS, Shenda Park, Kolhapur.
122 Notification for walk-in-interview from the eligible candidates for the post of Skilled Helper purely on temporary and contractual basis in the RGSTC Project on DCET operational in Division of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Pune.
123 Notification for the posts of Research Associates and Skilled Worker purely on contractual basis in CAAST-CSAWM, MPKV, Rahuri.
124 Notification for the post of Young Professional (YP-II) and Laboratory Attendant in Cotton Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri, Purely on contractual basis.
125 Notification for the post of Young Professional (YP-I) Cotton Improvement Project, MPKV, Rahuri,
126 निम्नस्तर कृषी शिक्षणांतर्गत कंत्राटी पद्धतीने स्वतंत्र परीक्षा मंडळासाठीच्या प्रसिद्ध यादीतील पहिल्या दहा उमेदवारांची प्रत्यक्ष मुलाखतीसाठी चे परिपत्रक
127 Notification for the post of Young Professional (YP-I) purely on contractual basis On Agricultural Research Station, Radhanagari, Dist. Kolhapur.
128 Eligible and not eligible candidates list of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in SLCL Project, Dept of SWCE , Dr. ASCAET, MPKV, Rahuri.
129 जाहिरात - कृषी आयुक्तालय पुणे व कीटकशास्त्र विभाग म फु कृ वि राहुरी अंतर्गत संशोधन सहयोगी (कीटकशास्त्र) पदाच्या तात्पुरता स्वरूपातील रिक्त पदे कंत्राटी पद्धतीने भरण्यासाठी अर्हता प्राप्त उमेदवाराकडून अर्ज मागविणे बाबत
130 Notification for the posts of Young Professional (YP-II) and Laboratory Attendant (LA) at Dept. of Entomology, MPKV, Rahuri. Purely on contractual basis.
131 Grievance letter and list of eligible and non eligible candidates of RA and SW_CAAST_MPKV, Rahuri
132 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor in Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science subject College of Agriculture, Pune purely on contractual basis.
133 The list of eligible and not eligible candidates along with the reason(s) for non-eligibility for the post of RAs and Skilled worker under CAAST-CSAWM
134 Notification for the post of Young Professional (YP-I) purely on contractual basis On Farm Research Centre, Mohol, Dist- Solapur.
135 Notification for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) purely on contractual basis at Pulses Improvement Project.
136 Notification for the post of Teacher ( Assistant Professor ) of Agril. Economics purely on contractual basis at RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur
137 The eligible candidates for the posts of Research Associate (Biotechnology/Plant Physiology/Genetics and Plant Breeding) purely on temporary and contractual basis in the project entitled “Centre for Advance Agricultural Science and Technology for Climate Smart Agriculture and Water Management (CAAST-CSAWM)”
138 Interview call letter for the post of drivers in the Dept. of Agril. Economics, MPKV, Rahuri
139 Notification for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) purely on contractual basis at DRBSLCLW, SWCE, Dr. ASCAE and T , MPKV, Rahuri
140 The list of Eligible and not eligible Candidatefor the post of Office Assistant in DRBSLCLW, SWCE, Dr. ASCAE and T , MPKV, Rahuri
141 Notification for one post of Junior Research Fellow to be filled in the DBT Funded Project on wheat at State Level Biotechnology Center, MPKV, Rahuri.
142 Notification for the post of Technical Assistance(Field Skill worker) purely on contractual basis at Agriculture Research Station, K. Digraj, Tal- Miraj, Dist.- Sangli
143 Notification for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) purely on contractual basis at Agriculture Research Station, K. Digraj, Tal- Miraj, Dist.- Sangli
144 Corrigendum for Advertisment of Research Associate and Skilled Worker CAAST-CSAWM,MPKV,Rahuri.
145 Final selection list of Field Assistants in Agricultural Economics, MPKV, Rahuri.
146 Notification for the post of Office Assistant purely on contractual basis at SLCL project, Dept. of SWCE, Dr. ASCAET, MPKV, Rahuri.
147 Final List of Selected candidates for Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in Agricultural Economics, MPKV, Rahuri.
148 Notification for the post of Asstt. Prof. in FMPE and IDE Department at Dr. ASCAET, MPKV, Rahuri.
149 Eligibility and Not Eligibility List of candidates for RKVY-SPCPIS project
150 Eligible and not eligible candidate list for the post of senior research fellow of EEWPICC (ICAR-IWMI) Research Project.
151 The final lists of eligible candidates in Agril. Economics, MPKV, Rahuri
152 Notification for the post of Assistant Professor of Statistics purely on contractual basis at RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur. Last date- 20.06.2023
153 Notification for the post of Senior Research Fellow(SRF), Young Professional-II and Data Entry Operator Purely on temporary basis at RKVY-SPCPIS, IFD-IWM, MPKV,Rahuri.
154 Notification for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Field Assistant purely on contractual basis at Pench Irrigation and IFD-IWM, MPKV, Rahuri. Last date- 20.06.2023
155 Notification for the post of Field Worker purely on contractual basis at State Level Biotechnology Centre, MPKV, Rahuri. Last date- 23 June 2023
156 कृषी विज्ञान केंद्राच्या जाहिरातीच्या अनुषंगाने प्राप्त झालेल्या गट क व ड पदासाठी अर्ज केलेल्या पात्र / अपात्र उमेदवारांची यादी
157 Notification for the post of SRF/Agri. Tech. Asst./Off. Asst. (Contractual Basis) in Ad-hoc project- DRSLCLW, Dept. of SWCE, Dr. ASCAET Rahuri (Last Date-15.09.2022)
158 Notification for the post of SRF (Agril. Meteorology) in FASAL Project at Dept. of Agril. Meteorology, College of Agriculture, Pune (temporary basis)
159 जाहिरात - कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, मफुकृवि.,राहुरी
160 List of Selected candidate for the Post of Feld Assistant under ICAR Farmer FIRST Programme MPKV, Rahuri.
161 Eligible & Not eligible list for the post of Filed Assistant for ICAR Farmer FIRST Programme, MPKV, Rahuri
162 Advertisement for the post of SMS (Agro-Meteorologist) & Agroment observer at Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Mohol,Dist.Solapur
163 सूचनापत्र - कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र निवड यादी दिनांक 14.09.2019
164 सूचनापत्र - कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र निवड यादी दिनांक 13.09.2019
165 सूचनापत्र - कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र निवड यादी दिनांक 12.09.2019
166 Notification for the post of Research Associate (purely on temporary basis)
167 निवेदन - कृषि विज्ञान केंद्राकडील जाहिरातीबाबतचे
168 Final List of Eligible - Not Eligible Candidates of KVK SMS Advt. Dated 10.07.2019
169 Provisional List of Eligible - Not Eligible Candidates of KVK Advt. Dated 10.07.2019
170 सुचनापत्र - कृषि विज्ञान केंद्राकडील पदांची जाहिरात 2019
171 कृषि विज्ञान केंद्राकडील पदांची जाहिरात 2019 - भरपत्रक
172 Advertisement on temporary basis Junior Engineer (Civil & Electrical)
173 Walk in Interview for Operator(Back Hoe Loader)
174 कृषि विज्ञान केंद्राकडील पदांची जाहिरात 2019
175 Walk-In Interview for the contractual post of SRF
176 Advertisement for the post of Head, Advertisemnt for the post of RegistrarProfessor, Librarian
177 Advertisement for the post of Head, Professor, Librarian

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