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A programme on Retrospection (MAGOVA) is organized at the end of every year during last week of December or first week of January at Central Campus, Rahuri. On this occasion the review reports regarding extension education, education, research, agril. engineering, lower agril. education, administration, development works and accounts conducted during the previous year is presented by the respective directors and other university officers. Further, an exhibition depicting the significant activities of the university related to education, research and various extension activities carried out by College Extension Blocks, Research centres is organized at the venue. The important university publication Krishidarshani is released and innovative Phule Krishidarshani mobile app is launched at the auspicious hands of dignitaries during the event. All HODs, Professors, staff, students and members of Farmers-Scientists Forum are participating in this university programme every year.

A Magova (Retrospection) programme to review the various activities of the University during the year 2021 was organized in the university on January 6, 2022. Shri. Shri. Radhakrishna Game, Divisional Commissioner, Nashik was the Chief Guest, while, Shri. Rajendra Bhosale, Collector, Ahmednagar, Shri. Rajendra Kshirsagar, Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Ahmednagar, Padmashree Shri. Popatrao Pawar, Bijmata Mrs. Rahibai Popere were the guests of honour for the function. Vice Chancellor Dr. P. G. Patil presided over the function. Directors, Associate Deans, Officers of the university were present. Dr. S. R. Gadakh presented the research and extension activities of the past year. Dr. P.N. Rasal, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture , Dr. Dilip Pawar, Registrar, Shri. Sukhdeo Balame, Comptroller and Shri. Milind Dhoke, University Engineer presented the reports on education, administration, financial and infrastructural developments respectively. On this occasion Padmashree Shri. Popatrao Pawar, Padmashree Bijmata Mrs. Rahibai Popere and Annamata Mrs. Mamtatai Bahngare were felicitated. The popular University publication Krishi Darshani-2022 was released during the function. MPKV Calendar-2022, depicting monthwise agricultural information was released on the occasion of Magova programme.

A programme on Retrospection – 20 was organized on 01/04/2021 at Central Campus, Rahuri through online/ virtual mode. Vice Chancellor Dr. P. G. Patil, presided over the function, while Dr. S. N. Puri, Hon’ble former Vice Chancellor, MPKV, Rahuri, CAU, Imphal was present as a chief guest. On this occasion, the reports regarding research, extension education, education, agril. engineering, lower agril. education, administration, Financial and infrastructure development activities conducted during the year-2020 were presented by Dr. S.R. Gadakh, Director of Research and Extension Education, Dr. A.L. Pharande, Dean (F/A), Shri. Mohan Wagh, Registrar, MPKV, Rahuri, Shri. Vijay Kote, Comptroller and Shri. M.P. Dhoke, University Engineer respectively. The university publication Krishidarshani-2021 was released at the auspicious hands of dignitaries through virtual mode. The programme was participated by Hon’ble University Executive Council Members and other dignitaries. All Associate Deans, HODs, Professors, Scheme Incharge, staff, officials’ students and members of Farmers- Scientists Forum, farmers in large number were present virtually for the programme.

A programme on Retrospection – 2019, Rabi Technology Day and Shivar Pheri programmes were organized on 11/01/2020 at Central Campus, Rahuri. Shri. Dadaji Dagadu Bhuse, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture & Ex. Servicemen Welfare, Govt. of Maharashtra presided over the function, while Shri. Balasaheb Bhausaheb Thorat, Hon’ble Minister of Revenue and Shri Shankarrao Yashwantrao Gadakh, Hon’ble Minister of Soil and Water Conservation, Govt. of Maharashtra were present as chief guests. Vice Chancellor Dr. K.P. Viswanatha briefed about various activities and accomplishments by the university. On this occasion, the reports regarding research, extension education, education, agril. engineering, lower agril. education, administration activities conducted during the year-2019 were presented by Dr. S.R. Gadakh, Director of Research and Extension Education, Dr. A.L. Pharande, Dean (F/A), Shri. Sopan Kasar, Registrar, MPKV, Rahuri respectively. An exhibition depicting the significant activities of the university related to education, research and various extension activities carried out by College Extension Blocks, Research centers was organized. The university publication Krishidarshani-2020, MPKV at a Glance, Accomplishments-2019 was released at the auspicious hands of dignitaries. The dignitaries visited the rabi technology demonstrations of sorghum, pulses and other important activities of the university. The programme was participated by Shri Prakash Gajbhiye, Hon’ble Member of Legislative Council and university Executive Council Member, Shri. Lahuji Kanade, Hon’ble Member of Legislative Assembly, Shri. Vishwajeet Mane, Director General, MCAER, Pune, Shri. Prataprao Sheleke, Deputy Chairman, Zilla Parishad, Ahmednagar and other dignitaries. All HODs, Professors, staff, officials from Dept. of Agriculture, MS, students and members of Farmers- Scientists Forum, farmers in large number were present for the programme.

A programme on Retrospection – 2018 was organized on 03/01/2019 at Central Campus, Rahuri. Vice-Chancellor Dr. K.P. Viswanatha presided over the function, while Shri. Sudhir Mungantiwar, Hon’ble Minister of Finance & Planning and Forests departments was present as chief guest. On this occasion the reports regarding extension education, education, research, agril. engineering, lower agril. education, administration, development works and accounts conducted during the year-2018 were presented by Dr. K.D. Kokate, Director of Extension Education, Dr. A.L. Pharande, Dean (F/A), Dr. S.R. Gadakh, Director of Research, Dr. D. D. Pawar, Registrar, Shri Vijay Kote, Comptroller, Shri Milind Dhoke, University Engineer, MPKV, Rahuri respectively. An exhibition depicting the significant activities of the university related to education, research and various extension activities carried out by College Extension Blocks, Research centers was organized. The university publication Krishi Darshani-2019 was released and innovative Phule Krishidarshani mobile app was launched at the auspicious hands of dignitaries. All HODs, Professors, staff, students and members of Farmers- Scientists Forum were present for the programme.

A programme on Retrospection – 2017 was organized on 30/12/2017 at Central Campus, Rahuri. Vice-Chancellor Dr. K.P. Viswanatha presided over the function, while Dr. N.S. Rathore, Deputy Director General (Agril. Education), ICAR, New Delhi was present as chief guest. On this occasion the reports regarding extension education, education, research, agril. engineering, lower agril. education, administration, development works and accounts conducted during the year-2016 were presented by Dr. K.D. Kokate, Director of Extension Education, Dr. A.L. Pharande, Dean (F/A), Dr. S.R. Gadakh, Director of Research, Dr. D.D. Pawar, Registrar, Shri Vijay Kote, Comptroller, Shri Milind Dhoke, University Engineer, MPKV, Rahuri respectively. An exhibition depicting the significant activities of the university related to education, research and various extension activities carried out by College Extension Blocks, Research centers was organized. The university publication Krishi Darshani-2018 was released and innovative Phule Krishidarshani mobile app was launched at the auspicious hands of dignitaries. All HODs, Professors, staff, students and members of Farmers- Scientists Forum were present for the programme.

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