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State Agricultural Universities in Maharashtra and Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research (MCAER) Pune are jointly organizes Joint AGRESCO every year on rotational basis. Recently, 47th Joint AGRESCO Meet was organized at Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyappeeth, Rahuri on 29-31 May, 2019. The inaugural function was Chaired by Dr. K. P. Viswanath, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, MPKV, Rahuri while Shri Chandrakant Patil, Hon’ble Minister of Revenue, Agriculture, PWD (excluding undertakings) and Relief & Rehabilitation of Maharashtra State was the Chairman for concluding session. In 47th Joint AGRESCO Meet 2019, 08 crop varieties, 01 farm implement and machineries, and 5 abiotic resistant sources of plant varieties and 47 production technologies developed by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri were accepted and release for benefits of farming community.


State Agricultural Universities in Maharashtra and Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research (MCAER) Pune are jointly organizes Joint AGRESCO every year on rotational basis. In context of pandemic spread of COVID-19 disease, 48th Joint AGRESCO Meet was organized on virtual mode during on 27-31 October, 2020. The Hon’ble Chief Minister, Maharashtra State Shri Uddhavjee Thackeray inaugurated the Joint Agresco Meet. Shri Dadajee Bhuse, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Maharashtra State. Shri Sanjayjee Dhotre, Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology Government of India was also joined the inaugural function. The valedictory function was Chaired by Shri Dadajee Bhuse, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Maharashtra State. In 48th Joint AGRESCO Meet 2020, 07 crop varieties, 03 farm implement and machineries, and 59 production technologies developed by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri were accepted and release for benefits of farming community.


State Agricultural Universities in Maharashtra and Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research (MCAER) Pune jointly organize Joint AGRESCO every year on rotational basis. Recently, 49 Joint AGRESCO Meet was organized at Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani on 24-30 December, 2021. The inaugural function was chaired by Dr. Vilas Bhale, Hon. Vice- Chancellor, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. In 49 Joint AGRESCO Meet 2021, 10 crop varieties, 01 farm implement and machineries, and 2 abiotic resistant sources of plant varieties and 56 production technologies developed by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri were accepted and released for benefits of farming community.


State Agricultural Universities in Maharashtra and Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research (MCAER) Pune jointly organize Joint AGRESCO every year on rotational basis. Recently, 50 Joint AGRESCO Meet was organized at Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli on 14-16 December, 2022. The inaugural function was chaired by Shri. Abdul Sattar, Hon. Minister (Agriculture), Government of Maharashtra. In 50 Joint AGRESCO Meet 2022, 06 crop varieties, 04 farm implement and machineries, 2 abiotic resistant sources of plant varieties and 68 production technologies developed by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri were accepted and released for benefits of farming community.


The 51st Joint Agresco meet -2023 of four SAUs in Maharashtra was organized at MPKV, Rahuri during May 25-27, 2023. The function was inaugurated by Shri Abdul Sattar, Hon’ble State Minister of Agriculture. Dr. Parimal Singh(IAS), Hon’ble Project Director, PoCRA was the chief guest. Vice- Chancellors of all SAUs of Maharashtra were present for this meeting. University scientists presented their recommendations. In all MPKV has given 69 recommendations, released 5 varieties & 3 farm implements. Directorate of Extension Education, MPKV, Rahuri has organized Agril. Exibition to showcase the University technology. All departments of four SAUs in Maharashtra participated in Agril. exhibition and showcased their activities.


State Agricultural Universities in Maharashtra and Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research (MCAER) Pune jointly organize Joint AGRESCO every year on rotational basis. Recently, 51st Joint AGRESCO Meet was organized at Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyappeeth, Rahuri on 25-27 May, 2023. The inaugural function was chaired by Shri. Abdul Sattar, Hon'ble Minister (Agriculture), Government of Maharashtra, Dr. P. G. Patil, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, MPKV, Rahuri. In 51st Joint AGRESCO Meet -2023, 04 crop varieties, 03 farm implement and machineries, and 1 abiotic resistant sources of plant varieties and 68 production technologies developed by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri were accepted and released for benefits of farming community.


The 52nd Joint Agresco meet -2024 of four SAUs in Maharashtra was organized at MPKV, Rahuri during June 7-9, 2024. The function was chaired by Dr. S. R. Gadakh, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Dr.PDKV, Akola. Vice- Chancellors Dr. P.G. Patil, MPKV, Rahuri, Dr. Indra Mani, VNMKV, Parbhani, Dr. S.G. Bhave, Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli, Directors of all SAUs of Maharashtra were present for this meeting. University scientists presented their recommendations. In all MPKV has given 92 recommendations, released 6 varieties & 5 farm implements.


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