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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)

Vice Chancellor

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From Vice Chancellor's Desk

Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, established in 1968 and functioning now with 10 constituent colleges, 27 Research Stations and 64 affiliated private colleges is addressing the agricultural education, research and extension needs of 10 districts of Western Maharashtra. The university over the period has developed improved crop varieties, hybrids, agricultural implements and come up with recommendations and contingency plans for the betterment of agriculture in its jurisdiction. At this juncture, withemergence of new normal due to pandemic, the University has to restructure itself and attain leadership through dynamic transformation in Agricultural Education, Research and create an impact through its Extension Activities on the livelihood of the stakeholders. Agricultural Education is of prime importance to the university and sustaining the academic programme amidst the Covid is a major challenge. A relook at the university academic programme aligning with new education policy and focusing on overall development of the student with improved exposure, skill and knowledge is of at most importance for the sustenance of technology led agriculture. The micro environment of education should be made conducive to create a pool of innovators, researchers, agripreneurs, and value chain developers for tomorrow. The next major thrust is on research programme of the university keeping in view the challenges of climate change, attainment of millennium development goals, and doubling of the farmer’s income. The research focus shall be on crop improvement for climate resilience, bio-fortification to ensure nutritional security, agricultural mechanization with automation, SMART agriculture and changing from production approach to value chain development approach. Research on adaption and mitigation measures, input use efficiency and ecosystem approach for sustainable agriculture shall also attract equal importance. Extension is the backbone of the agricultural research and education system that creates an effective linkage with the stakeholders for mutual benefit. The extension system should be strengthened with the advances in Information technology to improve the reach of the technologies to the farmers without much time lag. The University should take the lead in bringing together other like-minded institutions working in the field viz., NGO’s, FPO’s and work towards transformation of the farmers into entrepreneurs and create an enterprising agriculture. With the rejuvenation of the three pillars of the university viz. Education, Research and Extension along with the stakeholders, as the fourth pillar, lets us lay a strong foundation for the agricultural development in the region as well as in the Maharashtra State.

Dr. Sharad Gadakh, Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), Rahuri

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Ahmednagar, Maharashtra-413722. India
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