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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)

Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit(AKMU)

Home / AKMU / Trainings Conducted

Trainings Conducted

Sr.No. Title Duration No.of Participants
1 Human Resource Development and computer awareness 25 -29 Mar.2008 40
2 Refresher course on Computational Techniques and Office Automation in agriculture 5 - 28 January 2009 20
3 Training program to operate ?LAE- school result software 1 - 17 June 2009 20
4 Training programme to operate PG admission excel programme-2009 1 September 2009 2
5 Training program on UG result system smart 2 -3 Sept. 2009 18
6 Advances in e- Communication (Non Teaching Staff) 20-22 Jan. 10 33
7 Advances in e- Communication (Teaching Staff) 27-29 Jan. 10 34
8 Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 23-29 Sept 2010 34
9 Refresher course on Computational Techniques and Office Automation in agriculture 05-07-2011 to 25-07-2011 24
10 Video Conferencing Operating 31 Jan 2012 20
11 LAE Result Preparation 1 April 2012 100
12 Data base Management and Video Conferencing to KVK staff 27-29 Dec. 2012 20
13 RMS license Workshop 23-24 Dec. 2013 25
14 Workshop on MPKV web development 30-12-13 to 01-01-14 10
15 Use of ICT tools in Agriculture & Website Designing to KVK staff 29-31 January 2014 20
16 RMS license Workshop 29-31 January 2014 20
17 Uploading data NISAGENET website 20-03-2014 40
18 Workshop on MPKV web development 01-04-2014 to 08-04-2014 10

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Ahmednagar, Maharashtra-413722. India
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