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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agriculture University), Rahuri
Dist.- Ahmednagar (M.S.)

MPKV At a Glance

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MPKV At a Glance

Before the period of independence and during few years after independence, the non-agricultural universities were entrusted with the responsibility of agricultural education and the State Department of Agriculture contributed to research and extension. The agricultural universities were established in this country from 1960 according to the recommendations of Radhakrishnan Commission (1948).

In pursuance of the Maharashtra Agricultural University (Krishi Vidyapeeth) Act 1967, initially, the Maharashtra Agricultural University (Krishi Vidyapeeth) was established for the entire Maharashtra State and started functioning from 29 March, 1968 with its office at Mumbai. The office was shifted to College of Agriculture, Pune in the year 1969. Subsequently in the same year, two agricultural universities and in 1972, two more agricultural universities were established. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), Rahuri is one of them which was established in 1969 for the Western Maharashtra with its jurisdiction spread over ten districts namely, Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur, Ahmednagar, Solapur, Pune, Nashik, Dhule, Jalgaon and Nandurbar. The University is named after the great social reformer Mahatma Jyotiba Phule. The Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri is the premier Agricultural University in Maharashtra that renders services to the farmers through Education, Research and Extension Education.

The Governor of Maharashtra state is the Chancellor of the University, The Minister of Agriculture, Maharashtra state is the Pro-Chancellor, while, Vice-Chancellor is the Head of the University. The Executive Council is the highest policy making body of the University. The Vice-Chancellor is the Chairman of this Council. The Council constitutes of nominated peoples representatives, eminent members from agriculture and development departments, scientists, representative of ICAR and progressive farmers. The University is assisted by Academic Council, Agricultural Research Council, Extension Education Council for co-ordination and review of academic, research and extension education programmes, seed production and agricultural development programmes.

MPKV has been bestowed with the " Sardar Patel Outstanding Institute Award – 2002 " by the ICAR, New Delhi for excellence in the field of Education, Research and Extension Education. Further the University has been recognized as the “Institute of Excellence” and have been provided with special funds of Rs. 100 cores by the Government of India in its Union budget of 2007-08.

The jurisdiction of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri is spread over ten districts viz. Nandurbar, Dhule, Jalgaon, Nashik, Ahmednagar, Pune, Satara, Solapur, Sangli and Kolhapur in the state of Maharashtra.Total geographical area of jurisdiction is 116.67 lakh hectare.

    Agroclimatic Zones, crops and soils

    The geographical area under jurisdiction of MPKV is 116.67 lakh ha which is 38 % of the State’s geographical area covering the ten districts of Western Maharashtra i.e. Nundurbar, Dhule, Jalgaon, Nashik, Ahmednagar, Pune, Solapur, Satara, Sangli and Kolhapur. 5 agro-climatic zones viz. Scarcity Zone, Plain Zone, Sub-montane Zone, Western Ghat and Assured rainfall zone exists in the jurisdiction MPKV. The area, climate, important crops and soils of these zones are narrated below.

  1. Scarcity Zone Western Maharashtra
  2. Area: Geographical area of 73.23 lakh ha.
    Soil: Predominantly medium to deep balck soils, alkaline in reaction, calcareous.
    Climate: Hot semi arid with dry summer and mild winter with average annual rainfall below 750 mm. Bimodal pattern of rainfall (Two peaks of rainfall namely June-July and September).
    Crops: Kharif : Pearlmillet, sorghum, groundnut, pigeonpea, sunflower, blackgram, greengram, horsegram and mothbean;
    Rabi: Sorghum, safflower and chickpea;
    Annual: Sugarcane;
    Fruit crops: Pomegranate, Ber, Grape, Custard apple, Aonla;
    Vegetables : Onion, Leafy Vegetables, Drumstick

  3. Plain Zone of Western Maharashtra
  4. Area : Geographical area of 16.92 lakh ha
    Soil : Predominantly greyish black with varying textures and depth ranging from 7.5 to 100 cm and above. Neutral to alkaline soils.
    Climate:Tropical monsoon climate. The maximum temperature is 400c and minimum temperature is 50. Well distributed rainfall ranges between 700 to 1250 mm annually. The period of water availability ranges from 120 – 150 days.
    Crops: Kharif: Maize, Soybean;
    Rabi: Wheat, Maize;
    Annual: Sugarcane, Turmeric;
    Fruit crops: Mango, Guava, Papaya, Fig, Custard apple, Grape, Sapota;
    Vegetables: Okra, French bean, Dolichos bean, Broccoli, Potato , Onion, Garlic, Tomato;
    Flower: Rose , Gerbera, Carnation, Tuberose, Gladiolus, Marigold, Chrysanthemum, Mogra

  5. Sub-montane Zone of Maharashtra
  6. Area: Geographical area of 16.48 lakh ha.
    Soil :Predominantly reddish-brown to greyish-black tending towards lateritic in nature with varying depth and texture. Slightly acidic to neutral soils.
    Climate: Sub-humid tropical climate. The maximum and minimum temperatures range from 28 to 35 0C and 14 to 19 0C. Average annual rainfall ranges from 700 to 2500 mm, in 65 to 75 rainy days mostly received through south-west monsoon.
    Crops: Kharif: Paddy, Finger millet, Groundnut, Soybean;
    Rabi: Wheat, Maize;
    Annual: Sugarcane;
    Fruit crops: Mango, Guava, Papaya, Grape, Sapota;
    Vegetables: Okra, Potato, Onion, Garlic, Tomato.

  7. Western Ghat Zone
  8. Area: Geographical area of 4.51 lakh ha.
    Soils: Predominantly Lateritic soils, shallow to medium in depth, acidic in reaction.
    Climate: Av. annual rainfall 2750 to 6050 mm rainfall (June to September) in 97 to 120 rainy days.
    Crops: Kharif: Paddy, finger millet and other hill millets, niger, groundnut;
    Rabi: Lentil, wheat, maize;
    Fruit crops: Mango, cashewnut, strawberry; Vegetables: Dolichos lablab, tomato, brinjal, cucumber, cauliflower, cabbage, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, capsicum.

  9. Central Plateau Zone
  10. Area: 11.64 lakh hectares
    Climate: Hot tropical monsoon climate. Temperature 7 to 46 0C, Average annual Rainfall (mm) 750-950 mm
    Soils: Medium to Heavy soils or Black cotton soils
    Crops: Kharif: Pearlmillet, sorghum, groundnut, cotton, soybean, pigeonpea, sunflower, blackgram, greengram, horsegram and mothbean;
    Rabi: Wheat, sorghum, maize, chickpea, safflower; Fruit crops: Banana, citrus;
    Vegetables : Onion, brinjal, okra, chilli, garlic, tomato, drumstick, leafy vegetables etc.

The University has seven constituent colleges of agriculture sciences located at Pune, Kolhapur, Dhule, Nandurbar, Karad, Muktainagar and Halgaon; one agricultural engineering college at Rahuri and one college for horticulture at Pune. The University also governs academically the 63 constituent colleges of agricultural science, agricultural engineering, food technology, bio-technology, agricultural business management in its jurisdiction. All these colleges offer the Graduate degree programmes. The combined intake capacity is 5574.

The University has the Post Graduate Institute at its central campus of Rahuri. The University offers Master degree at Post Graduate Institute, Rahuri, College of Agriculture, Pune, Kolhapur and Dhule; and Dr.A. S. College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology at Rahuri. The combined intake capacity is 372.

Further the Post Graduate Institute and College of Agricultural Engineering offer the Doctoral level programmes in agricultural science and engineering, respectively. The combined intake capacity is 84.

The University has been awarded with the World Bank sponsored Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology for Climate Smart Agriculture and Water Management under National Agricultural Higher Education Programme (NAHEP) of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. This Centre has started the Post Doctoral programme and will soon start the Post Graduate Diploma in climate smart agriculture and water management.

The University has 09 constituent and 76 affiliated Agricultural Technology Schools. The combined intake capacity is 5100.

The University has 27 research stations in 5 agro-climatic zones including 4 State level Crop Specialists, 4 Zonal Agricultural Research Stations and 17 Strategic and Verification Research Centres to conduct research programme on different aspects. Further the University currently implement 82 non-plan schemes funded by State Government, 45 All India Co-ordinated Research Projects (AICRPs) on different crops/plant sciences sponsored by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi; and one Centrally Sponsored Research Schemes funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.

The University significantly contributed to the regional and national economy by investigating 270 crop varieties, 1577 research technologies and 39 farm implements.

The University has extensive network of outreach programmes for extension and dissemination viz., Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Regional Extension Centre (4), District Extension Centre (5), College Development Blocks, Communication Centre and Farmers-Scientists Forums.

Seventeen Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) for transfer of technology exist in the jurisdiction of the University, out of which 4 Krishi Vigyan Kendras at Dhule, Mamurabad (Jalgaon), Borgaon (Satara) and Mohol (Solapur) belong to the University. 13 KVKs are under NGOs and other institutes in the jurisdiction of MPKV.

The MPKV is committed to the mission of “Continuous improvement in agriculture and allied fields by development of quality human resource, carrying out the basic and applied research for providing appropriate technological solutions; and piloting the extension activities for efficient technology transfer to the farming community and agro-business entrepreneurs”

  • To provide education in agriculture and allied sciences and engineering.
  • To undertake research to cater the technology needs in agriculture sector including horticulture, agricultural engineering, food technology, animal sciences and allied disciplines for the state of Maharashtra in general and Western Maharashtra in particular.
  • To provide support to production and supply of quality seed and planting material and facilitate effective transfer of technology through education and training for the up-liftment of farmers and other stakeholders in agriculture.

  • To provide diploma, graduate, post-graduate and doctorate level quality education in Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering and Allied fields viz., Agril. Biotechonology, Food Technology, Agriculture Business Management for producing the competent human resource.
  • To encourage and provide agricultural education to girls particularly with rural background so as to increase their involvement in farming and allied agro-business activities and for empowerment of rural women.
  • To carry out basic, applied and need-based research in various fields related to agriculture, to provide an appropriate and economical solution for emerging problems; and to develop technologies to improve socio-economic conditions of the farming community.
  • To arrange the trainings for effective transfer of various technologies to the farmers and the related organizations in order to improve agricultural productivity, production and overall economic conditions of the rural population of the State.
  • To develop suitable technologies for supporting the growth of subsidiary occupation and agro-based industry and to generate self-employment opportunities for the educated youths and women.
  • To provide technical advice to the State Government in planning the various schemes for overall socio-economic progress of the rural population of the State.
  • To establish new colleges, schools, research stations, departments and laboratories to strengthen the agricultural education and research in new emerging areas.
  • To implement the skill development programmes in the field of agriculture and allied sciences and engineering.

  • Award for Excellence in Safflower by ICAR, New Delhi (2013).
  • Late Amit Singh Memorial award for Best AICRP Centre of Vegetable in India by ICAR, New Delhi (2013).
  • Centre of Excellence of Irrigation Water Management India by ICAR, New Delhi (2014).
  • Centre of Excellence in Seed Research by ICAR, New Delhi (2015).
  • Award for registration of maximum number of extant notified varieties (registered 36 crop varieties) with PPV & FRA, New Delhi (2016).
  • Agricultural Meteorology Project of ZARS, Solapur - Chaudhary Devilal Award by the ICAR, New Delhi (2016).
  • Outstanding Partnership Award (Asia) for Pearl millet Biofortification Research & Development Partnership for Human Nutrition in India (2017).
  • Outstanding Performance in Forage Research by ICAR, New Delhi (2017).
  • Seed Technology Research Scheme - Excellent Center by ICAR, New Delhi (2017).
  • ICAR, New Delhi has awarded the Certificate of appreciation to Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri for valuable contribution to Krishikosh for achieving a milestone for submitting more than 850 thesis in digital repository (2017).
  • Best performance in Seed Technology Research by ICAR, New Delhi (2018-19).
  • CSRS, Padegaon received Excellent Performance Award (2018-19).
  • AICRP on Mushroom received Best AICRP Centre Award (2019-20).
  • AICRP on Arid Zone Fruits, MPKV, Rahuri has awarded as Best AICRP Centre Award (2020).

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© 2019 Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra-413722. India
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